Why cant everyone be rich ? Why can't everyone have economic prosperity ?
The Greatest Question Ever Asked ? Why can’t everyone be rich ? If this question seems too audacious to ask then let me soothe some of the nerves. we can reframe it to look less unsettling for many Why can’t everybody be more or less equal in terms of economic prosperity? Ok. wait. This question also seems to be far fetched & unachievable Then maybe it is time for humanity to lower the bar even low & finally settle for this question Why can’t every human be above a certain defined threshold limit of economic prosperity ? The Common Threshold of Humanity This certain threshold limit can be relative from place to place. It should be such that it provides acceptable dignified economic life to everyone on the planet In simple terms it means there will be no poor when everyone is above that threshold mark. I am not asking to make everyone rich. I am demanding to free everyone from poverty Is it too much to ask from human civili...