"If horses could draw, they would draw their Gods like horses"
‘If horses could draw, they would draw their Gods like horses’
Thus spoke Xenophanes, earliest Greek philosophers of 6 th century B.C. This statement of Xenophanes is actually against the dominant and aggressive Homerian culture of that time.
Homerian view
He says that Homerian view their Gods and culture in human form and look down upon the other ways of life and culture. But if Horses could speak and draw they would view their Gods and culture in horses form and not in human form.
Cultural Relativism
This was the beginning of the concept of Cultural Relativism(CR ) and Xenophanes is the first to talk about it. Due to his liberalism, free thinking and intellectualism Xenophanes was exiled by the authorities.
“Cultural relativism is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments using the standards of one’s own culture”
· Every culture & way of life is relative and unique
· No culture is good or bad per se
· No culture is superior or inferior
· There is nothing called a uniform culture
The weakening of CR is promoting Supremacism . There is need to reinforce the principles of CR in educational, professional and social system.
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