Never Ever Commit This Sin in the Leadership of Ideas

Some Ideas Fade into Oblivion. Why ? 

Some great Ideas faded into oblivion. Some ordinary Ideas took the centre stage. Why ?

Sometimes the delivery mechanism of the idea is far more important than the idea itself

The User Experience UX 

We have seen that some Apps & Websites create waves of public recognition and admiration. But others of the same contents & value could not create the same buzz

The reason lies in the “User Experience UX” Design

In the “Leadership of Ideas” the UX is the communication style & mechanism adopted to catch the imagination

Sometimes we over value the Matter & neglect the Phenomena which will sustain that Matter itself

Create the Ease of Understanding the Ideas 

Once an Idea is established twice the effort must be made to create its UX Design. Content is more likely to be accepted if the ease of accessing & understanding the content is flawless & entertaining

Richard Feynman lectures on Physics is far more famous & understood than Leonard Susskind talks

The answer lies in the UX of their delivery & communication mechanism but not much in their content & Ideas

Do Not commit this Sin Ever 

Never ever put the onus of understanding your Ideas on the audience. It speaks volumes about the communicator & not the receptor

Winning leadership understands this reason behind success

Such leadership invests in their UX Design

Are you doing it ?


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